The Problem With Christianity And Now Islam

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم


Just watch for a minute from 12:40 onwards.

"I find a problem with someone manufacturing lies, fabrications, dramatizations and mythologies with Jesus Christ, specially when Jesus Christ himself had nothing to do himself with the evidence that they used."

Now this is problem with the hypocrisy of the sectarian Muslims, because if you simply replace the word Jesus Christ with Prophet Muhammad and what do you have? The holy books of the sectarians, the hadith. BUT this preacher will not use the same logic and arguments he is using, and rightfully so against the Christian bible for his own holy books from where he takes his mazhab from. In fact he will defend them tooth and nail and destroy his own arguments to save them. Hypocrite much?

Its a great lecture and if anybody has the time, go watch the entire 2 hr thing, even before I watched this I had the very same thoughts on how today Islam is nothing but a cheap copy of Christianity, how people came after a century of Jesus passing came and changed the entire religion of Isa Ibn Maryam, how 3 centuries later books by unknow authors were mutually agreed upon and added to the bible, what is know today as the new testament. And have mentioned here many times here before too.

That if it wasn't for Allah's protection, men exactly like this Khalid Yasin would have added hadith to the Quran. Where we would have the old Quran and the new Quran, just like the bible does today.

So think when we are not willing to accept the bible because of manufactured lies, fabrications, dramatizations and mythologies with Jesus Christ, specially when Jesus Christ himself had nothing to do with the evidence that they used. Then why do we accept the hadith when it is nothing but manufactured lies, fabrications, dramatizations and mythologies with Prophet Muhammad, specially when Prophet Muhammad himself had nothing with the evidence that they used.

If you accept the hadith, then you must accept the bible as it is today because both of them stand on the very same foundations, and if you don't accept either one of them, then you can't accept both of the either.


MPA (400+ posts)
Quran is enough for guidance , Yes people have told the ethical standards that the Prophet PBH him followed, they were all from Quran .......


MPA (400+ posts)
Quran is enough for guidance , Yes people have told the ethical standards that the Prophet PBH him followed, they were all from Quran .......

Even ALLAH commands in Quran, that Prophet PBH will follow the Quran and make judgments according to Quran .........
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Councller (250+ posts)
All of you, can you give me a single "logical" reason why you follow your religion, apart from "because that was the religion that your parents followed".


Councller (250+ posts)
How many wives he had??

And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hands possess [i.e., slaves]. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].


MPA (400+ posts)
How many wives he had??

And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hands possess [i.e., slaves]. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].

The Prophet Muhammad married all of his wives before the revelation for 4 wives was revealed. Afterwards he did not marry anyone else and he did not divorce his previous wives.


Councller (250+ posts)
Religion is nothing more than a mental illness that restricts your thinking and prohibits you from asking logical questions???

I don't know how someone can justify the killing of a person who leaves Islam but its
okay to leave any other religion and become Muslim..

If you want to judge any man, there are two things you can judge, Wealth and woman
-The Prophet had 14 wives, and more than 4 at once e for a number of years, while in the holy book, it only permitted 4 wives.

One of his "wives" was his "daughter-in-law",. After something happened and a
"farishta" came to tell him,its okay to marry her after she gets divorced.. (Yeah right, 🙄 no one else could see this farishta so we have to take his words).

Keeping in mind the death of a child due to rape in Pakistan, how would you explain marriage to a 9-year-old child, when her body is not ready for marriage or giving birth. There is no way, a 9yo is mentally ready for marriage. Can you see the future of a child born to 10 a child???

Clearly, these things would not satisfy any logical thinking.


Councller (250+ posts)
The Prophet Muhammad married all of his wives before the revelation for 4 wives was revealed. Afterwards he did not marry anyone else and he did not divorce his previous wives.
So God did not stop him, or maybe God forgot when the prophet married 5th wife.
isn't that so convenient, let him enjoy but we will stop others....

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Religion is nothing more than a mental illness that restricts your thinking and prohibits you from asking logical questions?
Correct for the most part. But Islam is a deen and not a religion.

I don't know how someone can justify the killing of a person who leaves Islam but its
okay to leave any other religion and become Muslim..
Quran is devoid from any such nonsense, this is all from story books filled with lies and fairytales written by defeated persians centuries later

One of his "wives" was his "daughter-in-law",. After something happened and a
"farishta" came to tell him,its okay to marry her after she gets divorced.. (Yeah right, 🙄 no one else could see this farishta so we have to take his words).
Quran is devoid from any such nonsense, this is all from story books filled with lies and fairytales written by defeated persians centuries later
how would you explain marriage to a 9-year-old child, when her body is not ready for marriage or giving birth. There is no way, a 9yo is mentally ready for marriage. Can you see the future of a child born to 10 a child???
Quran is devoid from any such nonsense, this is all from story books filled with lies and fairytales written by defeated persians centuries later

Clearly, these things would not satisfy any logical thinking.
The lies and fairy tales written in these persian story book certainly do not and anyone with common and sense and has read and understood the Quran will never follow these books, unfortunately majority of what passes for Islam today is based 95% of these storybooks.

Anyone who abandons Islam today is mostly because of this nonsense associated with the deen of Allah. But then again I also lay blame of them for not even putting the bare minimum effort to actually read and understand the source of the deen, rather than base their opinion and choice on these bearded bhaand moulvis rather than the one true book of Allah.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
So God did not stop him, or maybe God forgot when the prophet married 5th wife.
isn't that so convenient, let him enjoy but we will stop others....
Sorry forgot to address this point in my previous reply, but you might have guessed it by now what it is going to be.


MPA (400+ posts)
Religion is nothing more than a mental illness that restricts your thinking and prohibits you from asking logical questions???

I don't know how someone can justify the killing of a person who leaves Islam but its
okay to leave any other religion and become Muslim..

If you want to judge any man, there are two things you can judge, Wealth and woman
-The Prophet had 14 wives, and more than 4 at once e for a number of years, while in the holy book, it only permitted 4 wives.

One of his "wives" was his "daughter-in-law",. After something happened and a
"farishta" came to tell him,its okay to marry her after she gets divorced.. (Yeah right, 🙄 no one else could see this farishta so we have to take his words).

Keeping in mind the death of a child due to rape in Pakistan, how would you explain marriage to a 9-year-old child, when her body is not ready for marriage or giving birth. There is no way, a 9yo is mentally ready for marriage. Can you see the future of a child born to 10 a child???

Clearly, these things would not satisfy any logical thinking.

Dear, it is your right to criticize and only accept what your heart sees with reasoning and logic. Their is no compulsion in religion .....

For the points you mentioned, Not a single muslim with thinking cells in his brains believes the age of hazrat ayesha story. People have made more bad things then these stories if you go down in history books you will find much worst material then this.

Regarding the matter of leaving Islam, the answer is in the Quran, their is no compulsion in religion ......

Also a thinking point for you, People often say that islam has very strict punishments etc, ask a question to yourself. Why does a God who says he is loving and passionate gives such harsh punishment ? to those of his creation who say we accept him as one God, who benefits from punishment of God.

God could have said whoever believe in me being one God ,I will have lenient punishment for his different crimes in this world, but it is the complete opposite. Remember God says in Quran he is compassionate and loving, then where is this compassion in these punishments, please think calmly and answer me, maybe you will find a contradiction or maybe you will find a truth ........
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