Sharia punishments are the best to deter all sorts of crimes.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Thanks for the clarification only question now is why have you been masquerading as a Muslim all this time? Now you are someone that can't be trusted.
As a born Muslim, I believe in God / Allah. I just don't have any evidence to prove his existence like strong theist Wake up Pak . Similarly I don't have evidence to reject existence of God / Allah like strong atheist Mulhid
I am open to all possibilities because I am neither a strong believer nor a strong rejecter of God / Allah. I am somewhere in between.

So now you say I can't be trusted because I have taken a moderate position instead of extreme ones on Scale of Belief?

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I haven’t moved so I don’t know what you are smoking lol

Your circular reasoning might make an impression on hapless madrassah students but not more than that
When people don't have much to back up their claim then they resort to foolishness.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
When people don't have much to back up their claim then they resort to foolishness.

Atleast you are honest about what you are doing.

When I showed you facts you started with your circular reasoning foolishness again.

I thought for a moment that you are a reasonable person when you were trying to find Quran copies and reply with facts but now you are behaving emotionally rather than answering rationally.

Instead of answering to the point I raised you replied the facts are in Quran Circular reasoning bullshit.

Dont be like that guy running out of arguments and presenting Pseudo Scientists as "British Academia"


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Logic is an anomaly in every religion / dogma.

I think you can be religious and logical at the same time. There are Muslims who will admit there are things they cannot answer but they are honest about it.

These people here are not only illogical they are also dishonest.

For example Citizen X believes the Quran we have today is same from 7th century. But he does not have the humility nor honesty to admit that there is no evidence to verify that claim.

There is not a single page of Quran we have found in 7th century not even parchments that have diacritical marks that modern Qurans do.

The modern Quran is nowhere to be found in its complete form until Abbasid period in 8th, 9th and 10th century when the hadiths and biographies also surface.

But yeah they will neither argue against it because they know they cant, nor will they have the humility and honest to accept it.

No matter how many facts you give them they will plug their ears and pretend they cant see or hear what is being said.and keep repeating show me the evidence.


Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Atleast you are honest about what you are doing.

When I showed you facts you started with your circular reasoning foolishness again.

I thought for a moment that you are a reasonable person when you were trying to find Quran copies and reply with facts but now you are behaving emotionally rather than answering rationally.

Instead of answering to the point I raised you replied the facts are in Quran Circular reasoning bullshit.

Dont be like that guy running out of arguments and presenting Pseudo Scientists as "British Academia"
Circular reasoning bullshit?
I don't know what you are upto but you don't have iota of a common sense or logic to back up your claims.
Again, i ask you to go back and watch the video but you won't as it will hurt your ego and preconceived mindset.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I don't know what you are upto but you don't have iota of a common sense or logic to back up your claims.

Those are not claims, they are historical facts that are accepted by Muslim archeologists as well as non Muslim.

Academia is the same regardless of your religion.

If you think any of my facts are wrong then show me how they are wrong instead of circular reasoning.

632/634: Muhammad dies
661-750: Umayyad Empire (No coins of Umayyad Emperors show any signs of Islam or Muhammad. Until reign of Abdel Malik in 690s)
692: First mention of Muhammad and religion called Islam and Dome of Rock built in Jerusalem.
750: Abbasid Caliphate starts
818: Prophets Biography is written
850: Hadiths are written
800-900: Around same time modern Quran's show up.

So Muhammad Dies in 630s and his Biography does not show up until 800s... Its like you and me sitting down in 21st century and writing about battle of Panipat for the first time. People dont remember the name of their great grandfather and here they are writing whole biography 7-8 generations after someone dies. Koi aqal naam ki cheez hai tum logon me?

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Thats circular reasoning. You cannot use the Quran to prove the Quran.
Read the Quran which you won't as atheist don't believe in God so why should i argue with you? Will it make any difference? Can you convince me? i don't think so.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Read the Quran which you won't as atheist don't believe in God so why should i argue with you? Will it make any difference? Can you convince me? i don't think so.

I have read it. Thats what turned me into a Mulhid.

Its a badly written book which is full of inconsistencies, redundancies and bad poetry. 20% of it is totally unintelligble and much of is ambiguos that even after 1200 years people are arguing over with it is trying to say.

Full of stupid things and superstitions like Allah's throne floating on water and shooting stars are missiles that Allah is firing at Jins and Devils. What is this nonsense?

I could rewrite it and communicate the same message in 4 times less pages and much more clearly.

To say this book is from creator of 400 billion galaxies is an insult to human intelligence.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I have read it. Thats what turned me into a Mulhid.

Its a badly written book which is full of inconsistencies, redundancies and bad poetry. 20% of it is totally unintelligble and much of is ambiguos that even after 1200 years people are arguing over with it is trying to say.

Full of stupid things and superstitions like Allah's throne floating on water and shooting stars are missiles that Allah is firing at Jins and Devils. What is this nonsense?

I could rewrite it and communicate the same message in 4 times less pages and much more clearly.

To say this book is from creator of 400 billion galaxies is an insult to human intelligence.
So why are you worried about?

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Twisting the Quranic text to get desired objectives is a common traits of atheist and Orientalist.
But they have always failed to convince the Muslims and they will always be humiliated by their own shear stupidity.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Twisting the Quranic text to get desired objectives is a common

You are the one who is twisting Quranic text, I showed you the same Tafsirs that are being used since 1200 years. Only now they are being twisted in 20th and 21st century by people who are embarrased by what is written in Quran.

People who are honest about their faith will read the Tafsirs written by the same people who wrote Quran and Hadith. Its modern heretics who are reinterpreting the Quran in 21st century.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
You are the one who is twisting Quranic text, I showed you the same Tafsirs that are being used since 1200 years. Only now they are being twisted in 20th and 21st century by people who are embarrased by what is written in Quran.

People who are honest about their faith will read the Tafsirs written by the same people who wrote Quran and Hadith. Its modern heretics who are reinterpreting the Quran in 21st century.
?modern heretics??
Man you are certainly high on something.

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
As a born Muslim, I believe in God / Allah. I just don't have any evidence to prove his existence like strong theist @Wake up Pak . Similarly I don't have evidence to reject existence of God / Allah like strong atheist @Mulhid
I am open to all possibilities because I am neither a strong believer nor a strong rejecter of God / Allah. I am somewhere in between
I have no issue in what you do and do not believe in, that's your own personnel business. My issue is you've been passing your self as a Muslim all this time, which is deceptive to say the least. Being someone in the middle as you put it, you do not fall in the category of being a Muslim, because to be a Muslim you need to 100% believe in God, his messengers and the Quran. Which you don't since you are still undecided even on the existence of God.

Just the same way I cannot call myself a Christian because I don't believe Jesus was the son of god nor did he die on the cross for our sins. Similarly you cannot call yourself a Muslim.

The term for people like you is Agnostic, hell its right up there in that placard you've been flashing around.

So in future please refrain from passing yourself as a Muslim, because you'll only be deceiving yourself.

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
It is hilarious when you lot ultimately have to go back to your mai baap peer baba murshid dawkins! lol

For example @Citizen X believes the Quran we have today is same from 7th century. But he does not have the humility nor honesty to admit that there is no evidence to verify that claim.
? ? ? ? ? You want me to go round in circles about your absolutely baseless outlandish claims with you at 4.00am in the morning. Sorry dude, got better things to do! lol

There is not a single page of Quran we have found in 7th century not even parchments that have diacritical marks that modern Qurans do.
See when you say stupid and ignorant shit like this, it just cements the position to everyone you have absolutely no fekin' clue what you are on about and not done even the most basic rudimentary research on this subject. Arabic didn't have no diacritical marks because it was Arabic for the Arabs. You can find lessons on this type of Arabic of it on Youtube even today, I think its called meccan or hijazi Arabic, not sure though.

Just like when native urdu speakers write in fast shorthand don't write zer, zabar, pesh etc etc but a native urdu speaker perfectly understands what is written.

Diacritical marks came in much much later when Islam spread and non arab started to accept it, and to make it easier for them and correct their pronunciation diacritical marks were introduced. The Quran or its message didn't change, just the way the script was written slightly changed. No new words or lines were added, no text was omitted. Just the T's were crossed and i's dotted.

You make your own shit up without even the most basic research and pass it off as fact. Even the most staunch critic of Islam doesn't have an issue with this, because this is well known fact on the evolution of the Arabic language. Your worthless objection is like saying one book is totally different form the other because incorrect use of capital letters and no dots on the letter i ?

The modern Quran is nowhere to be found in its complete form until Abbasid period in 8th, 9th and 10th century when the hadiths and biographies also surface.

Another worthless and pointless objection. The correct version would be no Quran has survived completely from that time period simply because the Quran wasn't scribed down as book chapter one chapter two etc etc, nor was it revealed in order it is today. It was complied into one Mushaf by Usman, no one denys this fact. And as I've mentioned arab bedoiun culture till today is a spoken culture. Book making wasn't really a thing back then. Like I asked how many other Arabic books have been found from that era?

Your shitty argument would hold some weight if we had a vast collection of Arabic books from that time and only the Quran was missing in its complete form. Then one could say this was odd. But its the other way round, the only remnants of any book in Arabic are from the Quran and they match up 100% with the Quran of today.

Now let me school you on how its done and blow orientalists like you who have no real argument of their own but just regurgitating nonsense from people like John Wansbrough out of the water.

Ever heard of the Birmingham Quran Manuscript?

These have been dated by your goras and their is no dispute in this to the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

Its text is 100% identical to a contemporary standard text of the Quran Emilio Platti said that "scholars largely refuse today the late dating of the earliest copies of the Qurʾān proposed for example by John Wansbrough". David Thomas, professor of Christianity and Islam at the University of Birmingham, states that "the parts of the Qur’an that are written on this parchment can, with a degree of confidence, be dated to less than two decades after Muhammad’s death."[8] Joseph Lumbard also claims that the dating renders "the vast majority of Western revisionist theories regarding the historical origins of the Quran untenable," and quotes a number of scholars (Harald Motzki, Nicolai Sinai) in support of "a growing body of evidence that the early Islamic sources, as Carl Ernst observes, 'still provide a more compelling framework for understanding the Qurʾan than any alternative yet proposed.'"

In a nutshell

Time frame established of manuscripts to be from the Prophets lifetime, giving under 5% margin of error from carbon dating.

"radiocarbon analysis showed that there is a 95.4% chance that the parchment on which the Quran fragments were written can be dated sometime between 568 and 645CE. This means that the animal from which the skin was taken was living sometime between these dates. .........Furthermore, we know that the Prophet lived between 570CE and 632 CE, which makes those discoveries quite interesting, by showing that the Birmingham and Sanaa documents can be considered among the oldest manuscripts in the world."

Different/Changed/Manufactured Quran theory shot to pieces.

"The first results, based on character analysis and word analysis, have shown that the two old folios are very similar to their corresponding part contained in the present Quran (Uthmanic compilation). Furthermore, the comparison between Birmingham folios (corresponding to folios 3-4) and Sanaa folio (referenced by 029006B), which correspond to the end of chapter 19 and the beginning of chapter 20, shows that the two texts present a great similarity too."


You can read this detailed study on it here. Your diacriticis are also discussed here.

THIS is how you present and argument, backed by links and studies. Not just make up shit and ask others to prove it for you. I said blah blah blah. Now prove what I said is wrong! When in reality whatever you blurt out YOU have to prove it. NOT ME!

None of this matter, because you are not here to have a debate and exchange ideas and maybe accept a different POV or even change your stance on some issues. You are a militant athiest whose only aim is to WIN and just regurgitate nonsense you have picked up from you murshids like Dawkins or Sultan if you're not him that is and that by reading such "earth shaking discoveries" everyone will apostate.

You in a nutshell : Don't bother me with facts my mind is already made up
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I have no issue in what you do and do not believe in, that's your own personnel business. My issue is you've been passing your self as a Muslim all this time, which is deceptive to say the least. Being someone in the middle as you put it, you do not fall in the category of being a Muslim, because to be a Muslim you need to 100% believe in God, his messengers and the Quran. Which you don't since you are still undecided even on the existence of God.

Just the same way I cannot call myself a Christian because I don't believe Jesus was the son of god nor did he die on the cross for our sins. Similarly you cannot call yourself a Muslim.

The term for people like you is Agnostic, hell its right up there in that placard you've been flashing around.

So in future please refrain from passing yourself as a Muslim, because you'll only be deceiving yourself.
That's not how it works. In order to be a Muslim, you have to believe in Allah and his messenger Mohammad. Which I do. So how can I be an agnostic?
Where I disagree with strong theists like you and Wake up Pak is when you claim you "know" Allah / God exist. This is not the same same thing as "belief". Belief doesn't requrie any proof, knowing does.
Similarly strong atheists like Mulhid claim Allah / God doesn't exist. As long they believe in it, it's fine. But when they start claiming they know he doesn't exist. That's when they are on the same bullshit scale as strong theists like you. Remember any extra ordinary claim requires require extra ordinary evidence. So far existence of God / Allah has neither been proven or disproven by any independent sources. Only believers and rejecters claim to know God / Allah exist or do not.