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  1. Imranpak

    Indians love their country and its flag

    We'll nuke your ass so badly in return that you wouldn't even want to be reincarnated as a mouse.As for your flag i've seen it used in some Pakistani homes as toilet paper! :D .TERA INDIA SHETAN!!!
  2. Imranpak

    Indian Media wants a war

    Bharat is on the brink!! :lol: Rat worshipping Indian's should celebrate because in a few years time we'll liberate this over-populated land of filth where disease is everywhere!!.I'm confident that together with China we'll end the misery and occupation of/in AIDstan.Pak should openly support...
  3. Imranpak

    Indian Media wants a war

    Worry about the next time the Muslim's of India are slaughtered instead of your obsession with Pakistan :D Indian Muslim's are the most unwanted people on the planet despised by right wing Hindu's and ignored by Pakistan they have a very bleak future!.Denied any property even in the most...
  4. Imranpak

    India so far behind Pakistan in Missile system -Indian Media

    Creating is far more difficult a task then sustaining!.If we established Pakistan against great odds then we will make any sacrafice to preserve the nation including useing nuclear weapons on the enemy if required.
  5. Imranpak

    Indian Media wants a war

    Indian Muslim's are so used to getting their ass whooped that it's not even funny anymore!.Only a few years back their sisters were being freely raped in Gujarat whilst the world laughed on and now they're trying to act tough! :) They're unwanted second class citizens and will continue to be...