Punjab to give Scholarships to position holders of ALL Provinces - Shahbaz Sharif = Thank you


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Shahbaz Sharif = Thank you

I was once their supporter but no more.Shariff Brothers are responsible for perpetuating Zardari's rule in this Country because they had an undestanding with PPP to support them " rule " Punjab.Besides,they are rulers of an extremely poor Country where people kill their children every day because they cannot feed them but look at their Mughal type life styles.They have looted this Country and transferred all that money abroad and do not pay any taxes.Do you think these sychopants have a divine right to rule this Country and then their children follow their footsteps ? The world is changing now.Look at libiya,Egypt,Yemen,Morocco.The best course for these sychopants would be to leave that Country and go to their foreign abodes till their time comes to an end and when finally Almighty will judge them.

trust me IK will dissappoint you more than shareefs, mark my words.

Just pray Allah give us someone wise and brave enough , having guts to run the country the way Quaid wanted.
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