Russian-Ukranian Mega Brigade Will Fight in Syria For A Hefty PriceTag

Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

Altaff k bhad Assad ko apna naya abba bana liye hai tum loogon na..... is sa sabit hota hai k buri passand hai bohat...........
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

اسد کا تحفہ




Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

Altaff k bhad Assad ko apna naya abba bana liye hai tum loogon na..... is sa sabit hota hai k buri passand hai bohat...........

Altaf aur Asaad ka to pata nahi han itna pata chal gaya kay Mullah Umer aur Ayhud olmert kisky gher kay itnay chaker lagatey thay, COnfirm karwalena ya Phr DNA ka bhi option hay


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops


Huge blow to the opposition. Now they are splintered.
Now they regime can get reinforcements from Alawite Latakhia district and from the Russian ships in Tartous.

They rebels were simply overwhelmed by Hezbollah,Abu Fadl al-Abbas militia(Mostly Iraqis), AMAL forces.

Thankfully a large number of the civilians were evacuated so they wont be a wide scale massacre like in Bayda.Many wounded remain though in the field hospitals who may not survive the next 24 hrs.

The "friends" of the rebels is busy imposing arm embargoes, designating them terrorist organizations.
CIA officer in Jordan are busy trying to splinter the opposition and ration the third rate rusting chech arms they got the idiotic saudis to pay for. I think a understanding has been reached where Assad will be allowed to crush the rebellion, somewhat similar to Saddam being allowed to crush the S. Iraq Shias after 1st Gulf War.

Turkey the wild card in this may not act after the recent turmoil there.
The very vocal opposition has made Syria a focal issue. Another problem is the large Alewite minority in Turkey that is already protesting in Hatay prvince. So Syrian cant expect Turkey to do anything more then accept refugees and turn a blind eye to FSA movements.

Iran, Russia Hizbullah have on the other had given 100% unflinching support. Hizbullah suffered significant loses but now fully committed to the Alwite Bashar cause. Syrian Army which is active (About 1/3 at a time) largely drawn from Alwites who are 100% loyal to Bashar who has taken a messianic status in their religion.

If this continues I am afraid. Allepo, Homs, Idlib will fall in next month or two. Th rebels cannot hold out against Shelling, Armour and Air bombings.

Hizbullah are already reportedly grouping around Allepo.
The opposition their is quite vulnerable.

Bashar if he takes control will not show them , their families or supporters any mercy if we go by what his dad did in Homs in 80's. His Mukhabarat will go to extreme lengths to stamp any opposition and re stablish fear. In fact this time around with Hezbullah and Iran involvement and with sectarian relation beyond repair they may prefer a programme of De sunnification.
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MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

Do not compear Altaf with Assad.Altaf is working for UK and USA,Asaad is fighting against UK and USA.You pakistani love Americans,Americans hate asaad because americans can not invade Syria.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

@ zhohaq..

Excellent post. This Geo-Political game being played in that part of the world is extremely dangerous. Syrian Army with Hezbollah fighters will completely put a Major rift b/w Shia/Sunni countries. No one would trust each other and there will be no easy compromises in the future. I do believe that the beneficiaries of this conflict would be the West & Israel. We as a muslims have done a good job killing each other. Many innocent have died including women & children. They have sowed the seed of hatred among us muslims.

I firmly beleive Asad's army and Syrian freedom fighter's both have committed atrocities. No one can play the card of sainthood. There are ton's of video's which proves it. But my point is would there ever be a reconciliation between Shia/Sunni's. Take an example of Pakistan, Shia's/Sunnis are getting killed and Iran/Saudia both are involve in this. Take Iraq, again same thing, Iran and Saudia is involve in fanning the Sectarianism there. I have Iraqi friends who have told me horror stories. I my self is from Shia school of thought. But I wonder even if we beleive in " La illaha illah-Mauhammaad Rasullah" why do we have to get this low to wipe the other out. We as a muslim is doing dis-service to Islam.

Our muslim leaders would go to any lengths to stay at the realm's of their countries. At some places we have Kingdom and at other's we have dictatorship. I pray to Allah he guide and help us..otherwise are a doomed nation.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

I think rebels have no chance to win. According to Nato reports 70% of the people are now with Assad and are tired of war.
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

خبر غلط ہے، اسد مردود نے مسلمانوں کا جینا حرام کیا ہوا ہے

کوئی بات نہیں اگر ساری دنیا بھی شامی مجاہدین کے خلاف ہوجائی- مجاہدین کا رب ان کے ساتھ ہے

  • " Don't be sad, verily Allah is with us" (Quran)

I think rebels have no chance to win. According to Nato reports 70% of the people are now with Assad and are tired of war.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

کوئی بات نہیں اگر ساری دنیا بھی شامی مجاہدین کے خلاف ہوجائی- مجاہدین کا رب ان کے ساتھ ہے

  • " Don't be sad, verily Allah is with us" (Quran)

This is not a battle between Mujahideen and government. This is a battle between Russian and US. Assad(The monarch) is Russia's and Iran's ally and Russia and Iran is providing arms and every possible assistance to Assad. Wherease US want to convert it pro US state that is why US and western forces are supporting the rebels. Same way South Korea is China's Ally and US is helping North Korea and using their enemity against South Korea. Same is true for Pakistan(China's ally).

Its power game, Be it in syria, South Korea , Iraq, Afghanistan, or Pakistan.
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Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

Pakistan cannot be an ally anymore as it is fast becoming an American colony.

Afridi, you may deny or look away from the facts but the battle is between the Iranian army and hizbollah backed Asad's regime which is punishing the sunni population and the mujhadeen who are fighting a heretical ruler and his demonic allies.

This is not a battle between Mujahideen and government. This is a battle between Russian and US. Assad(The monarch) is Russia's and Iran's ally and Russia and Iran is providing arms and every possible assistance to Assad. Wherease US want to convert it pro US state that is why US and western forces are supporting the rebels. Same way South Korea is China's Ally and US is helping North Korea and using their enemity against South Korea. Same is true for Pakistan(China's ally).


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

خبر غلط ہے، اسد مردود نے مسلمانوں کا جینا حرام کیا ہوا ہے

کوئی بات نہیں اگر ساری دنیا بھی شامی مجاہدین کے خلاف ہوجائی- مجاہدین کا رب ان کے ساتھ ہے

  • " Don't be sad, verily Allah is with us" (Quran)

Allah to nahi albatta Pentagon, Israel aur Jhon Mccain zarur sath hayn.


Sahih International
You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those - He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him - those are the party of Allah . Unquestionably, the party of Allah - they are the successful.
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

Pakistan cannot be an ally anymore as it is fast becoming an American colony.

Afridi, you may deny or look away from the facts but the battle is between the Iranian army and hizbollah backed Asad's regime which is punishing the sunni population and the mujhadeen who are fighting a heretical ruler and his demonic allies.

You have to come up with a clear answer. Either you support US or you are against their policies.

If you support them then why Pakistan becoming US colony is a problem?

If you against them then it is also US that wants to topple the Assad Regime.

Now US can't be the Hero at one place and villain at the other.

If you support Sysria Rebels which the US is also supporting, then it would mean that US is a good and justice loving country and that Pakistan did right to ally with US and that US also did right to invade Iraq(which many believe was for OIL) and afghanistan(Which was an excuse to sit in this region and keep an eye on Russia, China, Pakistan).


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

کیسا زمانہ آگیا ہے کہ بشارالاسد کے ہامی بھی قران کی آیات کا سہارا لے رہے ہیں اور باغیوں کے ہامی بھی۔۔۔۔بندہ کدھر جاے۔۔۔۔
یااللہ رحم کر اپنی امت پر


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

Mr.Pakola Khi.You are blind and dumboo.They are not mujahdeen,they are terrorist,watch news UK and USA helping them those you call mujahdeen,Assad is fighting against USA.You are realy idiot and dumboo.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

@ zhohaq..

Excellent post. This Geo-Political game being played in that part of the world is extremely dangerous. Syrian Army with Hezbollah fighters will completely put a Major rift b/w Shia/Sunni countries. No one would trust each other and there will be no easy compromises in the future. I do believe that the beneficiaries of this conflict would be the West & Israel. We as a muslims have done a good job killing each other. Many innocent have died including women & children. They have sowed the seed of hatred among us muslims.

I firmly beleive Asad's army and Syrian freedom fighter's both have committed atrocities. No one can play the card of sainthood. There are ton's of video's which proves it. But my point is would there ever be a reconciliation between Shia/Sunni's. Take an example of Pakistan, Shia's/Sunnis are getting killed and Iran/Saudia both are involve in this. Take Iraq, again same thing, Iran and Saudia is involve in fanning the Sectarianism there. I have Iraqi friends who have told me horror stories. I my self is from Shia school of thought. But I wonder even if we beleive in " La illaha illah-Mauhammaad Rasullah" why do we have to get this low to wipe the other out. We as a muslim is doing dis-service to Islam.

Our muslim leaders would go to any lengths to stay at the realm's of their countries. At some places we have Kingdom and at other's we have dictatorship. I pray to Allah he guide and help us..otherwise are a doomed nation.

Thanks for your post bro,

I think you have correctly pointed out trends which should be very worrying for anyone in the Muslim world.
One thing that should be understood is that this is all cold Realpolitik & geopolitics , to further these aims unfortunately sectarian discourse has been employed by various actors quite successfully. Hypocrisy is not hard to find on either side as the basis of this narrative is false.

I personally find half of this sectarian discourse ridiculous, essentially people have decided to destroy countries kill thousands today based on a 1000 year old Arab tribal conflict.I dont think Allah will reward this stupidity in the after life.

I sincerely share your fear that this wave will crash on our shores soon. We should try our best to insulate our country from this trend, for this we have to invest in national vision, and at same time limit role played by foreign hegemonic powers be it Iran or Saudi and then the powers behind even these regional powers Russia and USA etc.

Already the damage done from the earlier wave that stated in 80's hasnt run its course, but thankfully has not penetrated in a big way mainstream society. I am afraid this time around we may not be that lucky.

In Iraq and then Syria once concept of nationhood was destroyed it was easy for outside powers to destroy the country. If you look into this Neocon war planners were aware of this and advocated this approach in numerous scholarly works since the 80's. Each country easily degenerated in smaller forces that were willing to play proxies. Unthinkable crimes were done against each other, and there is no sign this will stop as hatred and violence breed more of it.

Every group thinks its fighting for survival, everyone else is looked upon with Paranoia.

In Syria a struggle for rights against a dictator whether by design or by happen stance was turned into a full blown proxy war. Maybe Assad was learnt the lesson from the fate of Saddam and Qaddhafi . He knew his rule like his father was always illegitimate, so he had to create a new narrative, which was for the most part self-fulfilling.

Now this conflict will not be decided on Syrian soil but in Washington, Kremlin, Ankara, Tehran, Beirut and Riyadh. Friends and enemies in the context are the same. The decision has been made since an year or so that the option that will make all these foreign interest happy would be a Syria destroyed economically and militarily but still firmly in the grips of Assad.

What ever the result of Syrian civil war and the Iraqi civil the damage it has will last generations.
Such deep wounds will not heal easily.
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Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

کا جھوٹا پروپوگنڈا اصل، خبر ملاحظہ فرمایے Mehwish Ali

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

کٹھ پتلی عبوری حکومت کا امریکی سینیٹر کو شام کا دورہ کراکے شامی جہادی ثمرات کو چرانے کے لیے کوششیں تیز

خاص رپورٹ: انصار اللہ اردو

شامی جہاد جہاں بشار اسد، ایران اور حزب اللہ کا مقابلہ کررہا ہے، وہاں شامی جہاد کا مقابلہ یہود ونصاری کی ایجنٹ جمہوریت پسند طاقتوں کے ساتھ بھی جاری ہے، جو شام میں اسلامی نظام کو آنے سے روکنے اور جمہوری نظام کو لانے کے لیے کوشاں ہے۔

اس بارے میں مزید تفصیلات جاننے کے لیے انصار اللہ اردو کی نشر کردہ ان مواد کو ملاحظہ فرمائیں:

۱۔ امریکہ اور مغرب نے شام کیخلاف اپنی جنگ کا آغاز شامی اپوزیشن اتحاد کے ذریعے سے کردیا

۱: ب۔ مجاہدین کا مشرقی شام میں عوام کے معاملات کو چلانے کے لیے حکومتی شرعی کمیٹی قائم کرنے کا اعلان

۲۔ شامی قومی اتحاد کا سربراہ اخوانی معاذ الخطیب نے اسرائیل سے دشمنی نہ کرنے کا اعلان کردیا

۳۔ امریکہ ومغرب کی سازشوں کو بے نقاب کرنے، النصرہ محاذ کا ساتھ دینے اور ’’شامی قومی اتحاد‘‘ کی اصلیت بیان کرنے کی وجہ سے آزاد شامی فوج کے سربراہ پر قاتلانہ حملہ

۴۔ شامی عوام نے امریکہ کے منہ پر طمانچہ رسید کرتے ہوئے النصرہ محاذ کے ساتھ یکجہتی کا اعلان کردیا

حزب اختلاف کے جمہوریت پسند سیاستدانوں نے شام سے باہر بیٹھ کر شامی جہاد کے ثمرات چرانے کے لیے امریکہ، مغرب، عرب ممالک اور دوستان شام ممالک کے ساتھ مل کر نئی شامی عبوری حکومت کو تشکیل دینے کا اعلان کیا۔ مجاہدین نے ان دشمنان اسلام کے ارادوں کو بھانپتے ہوئے اسلامی حکومت تشکیل دینے کا اعلان کیا جس پر یہ شام سے باہر بیھٹے ہوئے غدار مشتعل ہوگئے اور النصرہ محاذ سمیت اسلامی شریعت کا نفاذ چاہنے والے مجاہدین کیخلاف زبان درازی کرتے ہوئے میڈیا وار کی جنگ شروع کردی۔

امریکہ، مغرب، قطر اور سعودیہ نے شامی قومی اتحاد کی بنائی ہوئی کٹھ پتلی عبوری حکومت کو تسلیم کرکے اس کے سفارتخانوں کو قطر سمیت کئی ممالک میں کھول دیا۔ مگر اس حکومت کو شام میں اثر ونفوذ نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے امریکہ ومغرب نے ہتھیار دینے اور اس کی خاطر شام میں فوجی کارروائی کرکے ان کو اقتدار دلانے کے مطالبے کو پورا کرنے سے انکار کردیا۔

پھر 7 اپریل 2013 کو عبوری حکومت کا سربراہ غسان ہیٹو نے شمالی شام میں ریف ادلب کا اچانک دورہ کیا اور وہاں اپنے ایجنٹ آزاد شامی فوج کے اہلکاروں اور کمانڈروں سے ملاقات کرکے امریکہ ومغرب کو یہ باور کرانے کی کوشش کی گئی کہ شامی آزاد فوج کے اوپر عبوری حکومت کا مکمل کنٹرول ہے اور اسی کی سرپرستی میں وہ بشار اسد کیخلاف جنگ لڑرہی ہے۔

جبکہ حقیقت میں تمام آزاد شامی فوج عبوری حکومت کے ماتحت نہیں ہے، خاص کر وہ آزاد شامی فوج کے دستے جو اسلامیت پسند ہیں اور جو بشار اسد اور نصیری ملیشیاؤں سے صف اول میں لڑرہے ہیں اور عبوری حکومت کو تسلیم کرنے سے انکاری ہیں۔

بہرحال اب 27 مئی 2013 بروز پیر کو کئی ہفتوں کی منصوبہ بندی کے بعد امریکی سینیٹر جان مکین نے ترکی کے راستے شام کا اچانک خفیہ دورہ کیا اور چند گھنٹے شام میں کٹھ پتلی عبوری حکومت کے رہنماؤں اور امریکہ ومغرب نواز بریگیڈئر جنرل سلیم ادریس سے ملاقات کرکے انہیں بھاری اسلحہ وسیع پیمانے پر دینے کی یقین دہانی کرائی۔

امریکی حکومت کی طرف سے شامی عبوری حکومت کی خاطر یہ قدم اٹھانا اور عبوری حکومت سے تعلق رکھنے والی آزاد شامی فوج کو مسلح کرنے کا مقصد گرتے ہوئے بشار اسد نظام حکومت کیخلاف جاری مسلح عوامی انقلاب کو یرغمال بناتے ہوئے اپنی ایجنٹ شامی حزب اختلاف کی عبوری حکومت کے پنجے پاؤں میں مضبوط کرنا اور شام کی بھاگ دوڑ ان کے ہاتھ میں دینا تاکہ کل کو یہی عبوری حکومت جہاد ومجاہدین کیخلاف لڑتے ہوئے شام میں اسلامی شریعت کے نفاذ کو روکنے اور اسرائیل کی سرحدوں کی حفاظت کے لیے سرگرم ہوجائیں۔

دوسری طرف مجاہدین ان سب حالات سے ناواقف اور بے خبر نہیں ہیں۔ شامی عبوری حکومت کے بارے میں جہادی جماعتوں کا موقف بالکل واضح اور عیاں ہے اور انہوں نے اب تک اس حکومت کو تسلیم کرنے سے انکار کردیا ہے۔ لیکن مجاہدین القصیر اور حمص کے مظلوم مسلمانوں کی مدد کے لیے بشار اسد نظام حکومت سے جنگ لڑنے میں مصروف ہیں اور ان کی اولین ترجیح اس نظام حکومت سے مسلمانوں کو آزادی دلانا ہے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ اب تک مجاہدین نے عبوری حکومت کیخلاف کوئی عسکری قدم نہیں اٹھایا اور اپنی تمام تر توجہ شام میں جاری معرکے پر مبذول کررکھی ہے، نیز شام میں اسلامی شریعت کے قیام کا اعلان کرکے اس کے مستقبل کو بے فکر ہوکر فی الوقت حالات وواقعات پر چھوڑ رکھا ہے کیونکہ شام کی جنگ کی

زمینی طور پر بھاگ دوڑ اور کنٹرول اب تک اسلامیت پسند جہادی جماعتوں کے ہاتھوں میں ہیں۔


Allah to nahi albatta Pentagon, Israel aur Jhon Mccain zarur sath hayn.


Sahih International
You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those - He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him - those are the party of Allah . Unquestionably, the party of Allah - they are the successful.
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops


Thanks for raising your objections logically. I will present my point of view and you have every right to differ.

I do not support any kafir against my Muslim brothers regardless of national or regional interests. My loyalty is first and foremost to my religion and the brotherhood of Ummah. Sab say pehlay Islam.

Having said that the Mujhadeen in Syria are fighting against a kafir tyrannical regime. The objective now is to raise the banner of Tauheed in Syria and safeguard the life and property of Syrian Muslims. Mujhadeen are not only fighting against the dark alliance of Iran-Hizbollah-Russia but also against the secular-democratic forces which are backed by some western powers. Do read my response to Enigma in post #17 to get a clear picture in this regard.

You have to come up with a clear answer. Either you support US or you are against their policies.

If you support them then why Pakistan becoming US colony is a problem?

If you against them then it is also US that wants to topple the Assad Regime.

Now US can't be the Hero at one place and villain at the other.

If you support Sysria Rebels which the US is also supporting, then it would mean that US is a good and justice loving country and that Pakistan did right to ally with US and that US also did right to invade Iraq(which many believe was for OIL) and afghanistan(Which was an excuse to sit in this region and keep an eye on Russia, China, Pakistan).

Naveed Hasan

Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops




Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Key Syria town of al-Qusayr falls to government troops

کا جھوٹا پروپوگنڈا اصل، خبر ملاحظہ فرمایے Mehwish Ali

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

کٹھ پتلی عبوری حکومت کا امریکی سینیٹر کو شام کا دورہ کراکے شامی جہادی ثمرات کو چرانے کے لیے کوششیں تیز

خاص رپورٹ: انصار اللہ اردو

مذہبی کذابوں کا جھوٹ

ذرا سوچیے، یہ مجاہدین جو اتنے فرشتے بن رہے ہیں ۔۔۔۔ تو کیا انکے پاس اسلحے کے یہ انبار آسمان سے نازل ہو رہے ہیں؟

یہ تو امریکہ نے پردہ ڈالنے کے لیے ایف ایس اے کا بہانہ بنایا ہوا ہے تاکہ اپنی عوام اور دنیا کو دھوکہ دے سکے کہ وہ انہی القاعدہ کے دہشتگردوں کو مدد نہیں دے رہا ہے کہ جنہوں نے اسکی سرزمین پر گیارہ ستمبر کو حملہ کیا تھا۔ امریکہ کی مجبوری ہے کہ وہ اپنے عوام کے دباؤ کے تحت براہ راست القاعدہ کی سائیڈ نہیں لے سکتا تھا، چنانچہ اس نے سعودیہ اور قطر کے ذریعے انکو اسلحہ اور پیسہ فراہم کر دیا، ورنہ ان ٹٹوؤں کی کیا مجال تھی کہ وہ امریکہ کے اشارے کے بغیر تنکا بھی ہلاتے۔

یہ القاعدہ کے درندے بالکل پاگل کے بچے ہیں۔ امریکہ ہر جگہ انہیں اپنے مقاصد حاصل کرنے کے لیے استعمال کرتا ہےاور یہ فسادی ہر جگہ امریکہ کی خواہش پر ناچتے ہوئے معصوم مسلمانوں کا خون پی رہے ہوتے ہیں۔