
Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Now this ''Khalafat Drama'' should end, Mullah has already put this country into too much danger, and they have proved their stupidness and shallowness. Pakistan has only one way forward and that is being a Jinnah's Pakistan; which Jinnah himself declared that Pakistan would never be a theocratic state. Old dogmas can only give pain and they are part of problem than solution.

You are 100% right.THis drama should end now.Pakistan must be a secular state if it is to survive otherwise it will perish very soon in the name of religion.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Why are you arguing with the Kuffar, who call themselves , Ahmadi , not Muslim... They killed Jesus even second time ...What pitty Hazrat Eesa AS. Jews and christan kill him 2000 years back , Ahmedi killed him again ...
There is only one thing for every prophet to prove himself , according to Quran.
They they should bring even one line like Quran...
"Those who have disbelieved — it being equal to them whether thou warn them or warn them not — they will not believe." (2:07)
[SIZE=-1]Perhaps there is no faster way to leave Islam than by calling other Muslims "Kafir"[/SIZE]
The holy prophet Muhammad(saw) said: "A Muslim should not harm another Muslim and calling him a kafir, as that will go to him." (lose translation that, if anyone can provide it better most welcome) Please tell me now whose verdict I should follow - yours or that of Muhammad (saw)???

[SIZE=-1]By the grace of God, I see that all as my basic duty is to help others to understand the beautiful teachings Islam and through debating to absorb more knowledge. I always remain positive, open-minded and generous in my efforts to convey the true message of Islam.

With your childish and silly behaviour you are not encouraging anyone toward Islam.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]My dear develop patience and sincerity in your efforts to bring about more tolerance and peace in this world (especially in Pakistan).[/SIZE]

Pardon? :) We killed Isa(as) again? Neither the Jews nor the Christians killed Isa(as) He died a natural death mentioned in Quran and Ahadith. But the most notable sad thing is the that you are trying to make a dead person alive, while killing eternal religion - Islam. (nauzubillah) You have the slightest idea that the statues of REAL Ullema-e-Islam is higher than the prophet of Bani Israel?

Does that mean now that all the prophets who came before Muhammad(saw), and didn't know anything about Qur'an are all false prophet of Allah??:lol: Oooooh my Goodness... I red your views and comments on few other threads and can assign you a certain intelligence level! (low-level) Any doubt about your intelligence and skills is not an insult! ;)
Dude, you have to learn a whole lot about Islam. Internet is a rich source of knowledge where you can learn a lot of things and get information. [It is like a mine of bounties which can never be exhausted.]

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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

"Those who have disbelieved — it being equal to them whether thou warn them or warn them not — they will not believe." (2:07)
[SIZE=-1]Perhaps there is no faster way to leave Islam than by calling other Muslims "Kafir"[/SIZE]
The holy prophet Muhammad(saw) said: "A Muslim should not harm another Muslim and calling him a kafir, as that will go to him." (lose translation that, if anyone can provide it better most welcome) Please tell me now whose verdict I should follow - yours or that of Muhammad (saw)???

[SIZE=-1]By the grace of God, I see that all as my basic duty is to help others to understand the beautiful teachings Islam and through debating to absorb more knowledge. I always remain positive, open-minded and generous in my efforts to convey the true message of Islam.

With your childish and silly behaviour you are not encouraging anyone toward Islam.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]My dear develop patience and sincerity in your efforts to bring about more tolerance and peace in this world (especially in Pakistan).[/SIZE]

Pardon? :) We killed Isa(as) again? Neither the Jews nor the Christians killed Isa(as) He died a natural death mentioned in Quran and Ahadith. But the most notable sad thing is the that you are trying to make a dead person alive, while killing eternal religion - Islam. (nauzubillah) You have the slightest idea that the statues of REAL Ullema-e-Islam is higher than the prophet of Bani Israel?

Does that mean now that all the prophets who came before Muhammad(saw), and didn't know anything about Qur'an are all false prophet of Allah??:lol: Oooooh my Goodness... I red your views and comments on few other threads and can assign you a certain intelligence level! (low-level) Any doubt about your intelligence and skills is not an insult! ;)
Dude, you have to learn a whole lot about Islam. Internet is a rich source of knowledge where you can learn a lot of things and get information. [It is like a mine of bounties which can never be exhausted.]

U people are not only Kafir , but Munafiq...
Quran is not Mirza Kutttta.
For him , hell is ready...U keep on worshiping dogs and bitches.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

U people are not only Kafir , but Munafiq...
Quran is not Mirza Kutttta.
For him , hell is ready...U keep on worshiping dogs and bitches.
Take care of your zuban... yehi zuban sekund main insaan ko jahanna main pehnk detitti hai. Imagine people like you and with your thoughts wants to bring about change in Pakistan. :-) Pakistan ka Allah Hafiz.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Take care of your zuban... yehi zuban sekund main insaan ko jahanna main pehnk detitti hai. Imagine people like you and with your thoughts wants to bring about change in Pakistan. :-) Pakistan ka Allah Hafiz.
Same to you. When u talk kufar and false arguments , go to hell.

I was talking about Mirza Khabees only , not about u.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

What is going on here.Discussion on Dr Asrar's false story got the pace but lost the direction.I think administrator should close this thread.
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MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

What is going on here.Discussion on Dr Asrar's false story got the pace but lost the direction.I think administrator should close this thread.
Unfortunately, that happens every time when people Raaz Uncle and his consortium run out of fuel (arguments).


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Black Flags from Khurasan

This hadeet is valid i have heard and read myself, should be shown to Zardari choore.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Black Flags from Khurasan

Some credible references from hadeeth's books...

Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "(Armies carrying) black flags will come from KHORASAN. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Eela (Baitul Maqdas) where they will erect their flags."
Ref: Saheeh Trimdi

* Hadhrat Buraidah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "There will be many armies after me. You must join that army which will come from KHORASAN.

Ref: Narrated by Ibn-e-Adi & Asaker & Seyuti in Jamiah Sagheer .

* Narrated by Hazrat Abdullah bin Haris(R.A) that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said that “People will come from the EAST who will make Khilafah (Islamic Rule) easy for Imam Mahdi"
Ref : Ibn-e-Majah Hadith 4088

* Narrated by Abdur Rehman Al-Jarshi that I heard companion of Dear Prophet(salallaho alayhay wa sallam), Hazrat Amr Bin Marra Al-jamli(R.A) that Dear Prophet(salallaho alayhay wa sallam) said: "Surely Black Flag will appear from theKhorasan until the people(under the leadership of this flag) will tie their horses with the Olive Trees between Bait-e-Lahya and Harasta. We asked are there any Olive trees between these places.
He said,”If there isn’t then soon it will grow so that those people(of Khorasan) will come and tie their horses there.”

Ref: Kitab-al-Fitan Page 215. Also at Page 108 in the book “Islam main Imam Mahdi ka Tasawer” by Maulana Professor Muhammad Yousaf Khan,Jamia Ashrafia Lahore,Pakistan.

*Narrated by Alqamah from Abdullah bin Masood:
"One day we were sitting with Holy Prophet(s) when some children from the house of Bani Hashim came there. When the Holy Prophet(s) saw them, tears welled up in his eyes and he became pale.
Ibn Masood said that he told the Holy Prophet(s) "Your face reflects axiety".The Holy Prophet(s) stated:"Exalted God has granted us,the Ahlulbait, Hereafter instead of wordly pleasure.
After me,soon my Ahlubait will face calamity,harship and misery till people having black flags will rise from East and seek justice,which will be denied them.They will wage war,they will be supported and will be given what they were demanding.They will not accept until it is handed over to one from our Ahlulbait (i.e. Mahdi) .He will fill the earth with justice as it was filled with unjustice.Whoever amongst you is alive at that period, should try to reach them even if he has to tread on ince in that persuit."

reference: Sunnan Ib Maja (Vol,1 page 517 Al Tazia,Egypt):

Now after looking this picture ,


I would say that there are two possibilities...

1) Taliban will invade Iran to reach jeruslem, as this the only possible identical way to reach there..
2) It will be a joint venture of Taliban & Iran as both are holding black flags

Wallah Allam.... But if we believe in Wikileaks, I think that it will be a joint venture

From Telegraph

By Dean Nelson, South Asia Editor 8:30AM BST 27 Jul 2010

"A series of military intelligence logs, mainly from 2005 and 2006, report that Tehran offered insurgency commanders financial bounties for each soldier killed in Afghanistan. Iranian intelligence officials are also accused of supplying cash and vehicles for car bombs.

The claims are based on reports from local Afghan intelligence agents and highlight the background to American claims that Iran is waging a covert proxy war against Nato forces in Afghanistan.

The reports, disclosed by Wikileaks, include claims that in 2005, Iran offered a group of eight Taliban leaders more than $1,700 in bounty for each Afghan soldier killed and around $3,500 for each Afghan government official. Each of the Iran-based leaders were crossing into Afghanistan to raise recruits and prepare to attack coalition forces in Helmand and Oruzgan provinces.

Another report in January 2005 claimed two Iranian intelligence agents had brought more than $200,000 to Afghanistan and handed it over to aides of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the former Afghan prime minister who now heads one of the most deadly factions in the insurgency.

"The money was transferred to a 1990s model white Toyota Corolla station wagon. The money was hidden with various food stuffs. The Corolla was occupied by four members of the Hezb-E-Islami, Gulbuddin (HIG) terrorist organisation. The money was transported to an unknown location," the log claims.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Black Flags from Khurasan

Some credible references hadeeth's books...

Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "(Armies carrying) black flags will come from KHORASAN. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Eela (Baitul Maqdas) where they will erect their flags."
Ref: Saheeh Trimdi

* Hadhrat Buraidah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "There will be many armies after me. You must join that army which will come from KHORASAN.

Ref: Narrated by Ibn-e-Adi & Asaker & Seyuti in Jamiah Sagheer .

* Narrated by Hazrat Abdullah bin Haris(R.A) that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said that “People will come from the EAST who will make Khilafah (Islamic Rule) easy for Imam Mahdi"
Ref : Ibn-e-Majah Hadith 4088

* Narrated by Abdur Rehman Al-Jarshi that I heard companion of Dear Prophet(salallaho alayhay wa sallam), Hazrat Amr Bin Marra Al-jamli(R.A) that Dear Prophet(salallaho alayhay wa sallam) said: "Surely Black Flag will appear from theKhorasan until the people(under the leadership of this flag) will tie their horses with the Olive Trees between Bait-e-Lahya and Harasta. We asked are there any Olive trees between these places.
He said,”If there isn’t then soon it will grow so that those people(of Khorasan) will come and tie their horses there.”

Ref: Kitab-al-Fitan Page 215. Also at Page 108 in the book “Islam main Imam Mahdi ka Tasawer” by Maulana Professor Muhammad Yousaf Khan,Jamia Ashrafia Lahore,Pakistan.

*Narrated by Alqamah from Abdullah bin Masood:
"One day we were sitting with Holy Prophet(s) when some children from the house of Bani Hashim came there. When the Holy Prophet(s) saw them, tears welled up in his eyes and he became pale.
Ibn Masood said that he told the Holy Prophet(s) "Your face reflects axiety".The Holy Prophet(s) stated:"Exalted God has granted us,the Ahlulbait, Hereafter instead of wordly pleasure.
After me,soon my Ahlubait will face calamity,harship and misery till people having black flags will rise from East and seek justice,which will be denied them.They will wage war,they will be supported and will be given what they were demanding.They will not accept until it is handed over to one from our Ahlulbait (i.e. Mahdi) .He will fill the earth with justice as it was filled with unjustice.Whoever amongst you is alive at that period, should try to reach them even if he has to tread on ince in that persuit."

reference: Sunnan Ib Maja (Vol,1 page 517 Al Tazia,Egypt):

Now after looking this picture ,


I would say that there are two possibilities...

1) Taliban will invade Iran to reach jeruslem, as this the only possible identical way to reach there..
2) It will be a joint venture of Taliban & Iran as both are holding black flags

Wallah Allam.... But if we believe in Wikileaks, I think that it will be a joint venture

From Telegraph

By Dean Nelson, South Asia Editor 8:30AM BST 27 Jul 2010

"A series of military intelligence logs, mainly from 2005 and 2006, report that Tehran offered insurgency commanders financial bounties for each soldier killed in Afghanistan. Iranian intelligence officials are also accused of supplying cash and vehicles for car bombs.

The claims are based on reports from local Afghan intelligence agents and highlight the background to American claims that Iran is waging a covert proxy war against Nato forces in Afghanistan.

The reports, disclosed by Wikileaks, include claims that in 2005, Iran offered a group of eight Taliban leaders more than $1,700 in bounty for each Afghan soldier killed and around $3,500 for each Afghan government official. Each of the Iran-based leaders were crossing into Afghanistan to raise recruits and prepare to attack coalition forces in Helmand and Oruzgan provinces.

Another report in January 2005 claimed two Iranian intelligence agents had brought more than $200,000 to Afghanistan and handed it over to aides of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the former Afghan prime minister who now heads one of the most deadly factions in the insurgency.

"The money was transferred to a 1990s model white Toyota Corolla station wagon. The money was hidden with various food stuffs. The Corolla was occupied by four members of the Hezb-E-Islami, Gulbuddin (HIG) terrorist organisation. The money was transported to an unknown location," the log claims.
Are you on "WakeUpProject" with the same ID as here ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Black Flags from Khurasan

You can't defeat a people who don't fear death!!. Like Imran Hussain says that army of Khorasan is a combination of people from Northern Pakistan, parts of Iran and all of Afghanistan.

I think Pak's miltary will also play a massive role in these events leading to the conquest of Jerusalem where the Zionists will meet their end!.
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Re: Black Flags from Khurasan

Some how some where within the passage of history, we have lost state of endurance under difficult circumstances and will to live in harmony.. within the context of the current world standard.

With daily dose of death and destruction.. we still hope that Flashing the Sword is the only way out for us.

I do hope, faster we reason ourselves to better education, better quality of life... we sure are doomed to utter destruction.

Remember we as Muslim, are better off spreading Islam through love, then barbaric screaming idiot, with passion for do or die.

I consider the whole world population as an agriculture piece of land with a solid bumper wheat crop. Our duty is to make sure each Grain of wheat is
consumed as per Allah SWT ordain. Not to burn the Wheat field.

Its better if we leave Black Flag of Khurasan where it is. After all Black Flag clearly states Shia symbol for "The Day of Ashura" 10th day of Muharram.
Islamic Flag has always been Green through out our Islamic History.

Actual Map of Khurasan

Map of Taliban 1996 to 2001
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan


Map of Khurasan see bottom of Map, South is on top North Pole is Bottom
[SIZE=-1]al Idrisi. He was Arab. On this map which is oriented with South at the top, Khurasan is clearly visible. 804/1154/1456 AD[/SIZE]


Another Map but this one is been Translated to English for better understanding
[SIZE=-1]al Istakhri II, 934 AD. Reconstructed (Reinaud via Needham).
[SIZE=-1]Today's Aral Sea was called as Lake of Khorasan[/SIZE]


Yet another map from [SIZE=-1]by al Kashgari from the Diwan lughat al Turk, 1076 AD. The land of Khorasan is marked and mentioned clearly. [/SIZE]


Why I am posting so many old maps.... simple what is been mentioned in the post
is not correct, Khurasan cover area through out the history has reminded the same.

So why Central Asia and Afghanistan has been added in to Greater Khurasan.. may be some one is trying to confuse the Mass.

Allah SWT Knows Better.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Black Flags from Khurasan

It's not a question of "now" rather Afghanistan was always a part of Khorasan! That's not to say that Afghani's are faultless but one has to admit that they are great fighters so Allah will use them to implement his agenda.

If the Prophet(saw) said that an army will come from Khorasan then it will definetly happen regardless of what Shah Muhammad of Genghis Khan did or said!


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Black Flags from Khurasan

When Ganges Khan attracted King of Khurasan, Samarkand, Balakh and Bhkara ( Shah Mohammad ) Afghanistan was never a part of it. Actually Shah Muhammad escaped to Afghanistan.

To glorify Taliban suddenly Afghanistan is now Khurasam.

If it is fake nothing is going to be happen, why are you so worried?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Black Flags from Khurasan

I generally second your sentiments but i am afraid that much of the Muslim world is under occupation so lets not pretend otherwise! Fighting with or without a sword is the only option unless Muslim people are happy to live as slaves and have their resources stolen by westerners for a pittance. They have forced death and destruction on us so we have no option other then to resist...

We cannot spread Islam through love when our people are being killed in millions and our sisters being dishonoured, neither in such will education help when the crusaders only understand one language that is to kill or be killed. We can coexist with them if they truely want peace and are certainly willing to share our foodstuff and resources with them in a give and take relationship based on mutual respect.

The black flag does not represent the shi'ites by default who have a slightly different kalimah to the Sunni's, in the above video the shown black flags have the traditional Sunni kalimah on it!. Muslim's need unity not divisions in the name of Sunni/Shi'ite morever to me it's rather irrelevent which branch of Islam conquers Jerusalem.

We cannot talk peace when Libya and Yemen are under attack... Pakistan being bombed and Afghanistan under occupation where as Kashmir and Palestine are a different story altogether. Syria will surely be next...