
MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

..because there is no fixed abode which can be assigned to God. Btw. where in Quran is stated that he is living a physical live in heaven? Any ref.?

I didnt said that ESSA AS is living in heaven.
Read SAIF E CHISTHIYAEE of Hazrat Peer Mehr Ali Shah Golrawi
You get your answer
By the way i am asking for answer of this book by qadiyani s
from last 20 years
but from normal qadiyaani to murabbi in Rabwa has no answer
can you give me name of that book?
My dear, you seems to be lil bit confused!!! If he is not LIVING, why are waiting for him??? Does it make any sense? NO, it doesn't. ;-)
I would suggest you to read Quran to find the right path.
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M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Further discussions of Farooq Maududi. At least this man was a lot saner and wiser than his mazhabi ghunda father!!

and remember what Maududi Senior said about Quaid-e-Azam?


also read this article while you are at it

Dr Israr's claims, like I said, are unproven and most likely forgeries made by Jamaatis who called Quaid-e-Azam as 'Kafir-e-Azam' only to suddenly become the chacha ji of Pakistan soon after independence and take its foundations hostage!


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

[FONT=&quot]وَقَوْلِهِمْ إِنَّا قَتَلْنَا ٱلْمَسِيحَ عِيسَى ٱبْنَ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولَ ٱللَّهِ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَٰكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ ۚ وَإِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱخْتَلَفُوا۟ فِيهِ لَفِى شَكٍّۢ مِّنْهُ ۚ مَا لَهُم بِهِۦ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِلَّا ٱتِّبَاعَ ٱلظَّنِّ ۚ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ يَقِينًۢا {4:157[/FONT]**
And for their saying: verily We have slain the Messiah 'Isa son of Maryam, an apostle of Allah, whereas they slew him not, nor they crucified him but it was made dubious unto them. And verily those who differ therein are in doubt thereof, they have no knowledge thereof; they but follow an opinion; and surely they slew him not.

[FONT=&quot]اور یہ کہنے کے سبب کہ ہم نے مریم کے بیٹے عیسیٰ مسیح کو جو خدا کے پیغمبر (کہلاتے) تھے قتل کردیا ہے (خدا نے ان کو معلون کردیا) اور انہوں نے عیسیٰ کو قتل نہیں کیا اور نہ انہیں سولی پر چڑھایا بلکہ ان کو ان کی سی صورت معلوم ہوئی اور جو لوگ ان کے بارے میں اختلاف کرتے ہیں وہ ان کے حال سے شک میں پڑے ہوئے ہیں اور پیروئی ظن کے سوا ان کو اس کا مطلق علم نہیں۔ اور انہوں نے عیسیٰ کو یقیناً قتل نہیں کیا[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]بَل رَّفَعَهُ ٱللَّهُ إِلَيْهِ ۚ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ عَزِيزًا حَكِيمًۭا {4:158[/FONT]**
But Allah raised him unto Himself; and Allah is ever Mighty, Wise.
[FONT=&quot]بلکہ خدا نے ان کو اپنی طرف اٹھا لیا۔ اور خدا غالب اور حکمت والا ہے[/FONT]

Wise man read earlier Ayats, you will know what happened, also add in your comments "not only Christens and Jews Qadyani also belive that he died".

Muhmmad SAW was given the knowledge where the grave of Hazrat Essa AS is, "this preference is given to Ghulam Ahmad Kazzab the prophet of Iblees".

This Ayat defiantly approves those Hadeeths which explains that those Jews/Christens who will not believe in Hazrat Essa and will not come in the folder of Islam in End Times will be Killed and only believing Ahla-Kitab will remain.
Please explain the meanings of Ma Salabu-hu, Shubbiha La-hum and Ma Qatalu-hu Yaqinan

Rest will follow after your answer. And please don't use poor language... if you are not able to communicate in a proper manner, so please let me know.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

I am listening this very first time from you - if you think you are Muslim, you are wrong. You are a Qadiyani or Ahmadi what ever good name you like for your nation.
Do I therefore need your certificate Maulan atensari Sahib?:lol:
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MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Salam abdull allah Sahib. How ya doing?;-)
As we both already have discussed this issue and I proved your baseless allegation as wrong, why do you still run against the wall over and over again? Be fair -accept the truth or leave it.
btw. where is your imaginary African Ahmadi friend? :-)


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Do I therefore need your certificate Maulan atensari Sahib?:lol:

Your claim is your certificate and you should not be ashamed. Enjoy your [FONT=&quot]Worthless Handicap Paralyzed Khalafat.
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Please explain the meanings of Ma Salabu-hu, Shubbiha La-hum and Ma Qatalu-hu Yaqinan

Rest will follow after your answer. And please don't use poor language... if you are not able to communicate in a proper manner, so please let me know.

Keep your sermons of proper manner for your own community and Jamat.

Meanings of "Ma Salabu-hu, Shubbiha La-hum and Ma Qatalu-hu Yaqinan" are very clear "They did not Crucified him or Murdered him, but doubt is created for them"


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Originally Posted by WatanDost
..because there is no fixed abode which can be assigned to God. Btw. where in Quran is stated that he is living a physical live in heaven? Any ref.?

I didnt said that ESSA AS is living in heaven.
Read SAIF E CHISTHIYAEE of Hazrat Peer Mehr Ali Shah Golrawi
You get your answer
By the way i am asking for answer of this book by qadiyani s
from last 20 years
but from normal qadiyaani to murabbi in Rabwa has no answer
can you give me name of that book?

My dear, you seems to be lil bit confused!!! If he is not LIVING, why are waiting for him??? Does it make any sense? NO, it doesn't. ;-)
I would suggest you to read Quran to find the right path.
What kind of Book and answer to what? Once again - for God's sake STOP telling lies. PEHLE AAP LOOG IK FAISILA KAR LO KON ZINDA HAI OR KON AIGA... IN YOUR OWN CALL YOU GUYS ARE SOO MUCH DIVIDED... DON'T MAKE OTHER LAUGH AT YOU... PLEASE try it!

Yaar i also didnt said that he is not living.
Alhamdolillah he is alive AND WILL COME SOON PERHAPS VERY SOON
And my dear i know you people very well I studied MIRZA 5 continous years
I spent 2 days in RABWA now JANAB nagar
The best of your MURABBI finally said to me A STUDENT
It will be decided on Judgement day who is right and who is wrong.

Again i need your answer
Any book of yours which has an answer of SAIF E CHISHTIYAEE
Because i am waiting for ir from last 20 years
Please as a student of Islam i love to have it so i can move forward.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

I finally want to ask everyone who is here writing against what DR ISRAR AHMED SAHIB said with proves.

If DR Israr Ahmed is right and he is ALHAMDOLILLAH
Than what harm to you.
And for Muslims it is understood
As Muhammad SAW said

And DR Israr Sahib was great scholar of its time
Why he lied and for what benefit?
And what was his personnel interest?



MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Yaar i also didnt said that he is not living.
Alhamdolillah he is alive AND WILL COME SOON PERHAPS VERY SOON
Yaar i also didnt said that he is not living. Alhamdolillah he is alive AND WILL COME SOON PERHAPS VERY SOON < OOOH dear! You are not even quite sure about your call. Look the difference between your 2 last postings. If you are not sure of any information at this time then just leave it. Nice that you have not lost your sense of humor at least. :)
So my friend I think there is no need for us to continue your ignorance on sensitive matters. Rest of your comment is also fabricated. No offence meant. Read Quran and take care of your tongue - the main reason why people invite God's wrath upon himself.​


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Your claim is your certificate and you should not be ashamed. Enjoy your [FONT=&quot]Worthless Handicap Paralyzed Khalafat. [/FONT]
Under the Ahmadiyya Khilafat- system Ahmadi Muslims throughout the world are united under the leadership and guidance of the Khalifa who is the Head of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat worldwide. The total unity of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat makes it unique amongst all Muslim groups. I am endless thankful to my Allah for that I am part of this system of Ahmadiyya Khilafat.

In his Friday Sermon Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (the fifth Khalifa of the Ahamadiyya Jamaat)broadcasted live throughout the world on MTA International speaking about the blessings of Khilafat, he said:
"The fears or difficulties of those who stay close to Khilafat will transform into peace and tranquillity… Today if you look at the majority of the Muslim world then you will see that the vast majority of Muslims are filled with turmoil and anxieties. May God grant the Muslim community the capability of recognising the truth

Khalifat-ul-Massih the 5th said that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat had suffered horrific persecution since its inception but despite this it continued to progress and succeed. He said:

"In the current era of the fifth Khilafat, the jealousy and opposition to our community has reached an unprecedented extreme. Innocent Ahmadi Muslims are subjected to the most cruel and violent attacks. But despite all of this the Ahmadiyya Khilafat is granted the Help of God who is the master of all powers. And thus the plans and attacks of the opponents of this community will continue to be frustrated, God Willing."

On one side you guys are crying out for your type of Khilafat, and on the other hand we witness the blessing of the Khilafat established by God Himself.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

pro british lawyer who didn't even know Urdu was suppose to bring khilafat in Pakistan. truly amazing


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Khilafat Day Special
God states to those who do not show perfect obedience and follow their own inclinations, that they will be answerable for their non-compliance.

God states that this obedience is essential; "And if you obey him, you will be rightly guided". Since perfecting Shariah and making the Holy Prophet(saw) the last law-bearing Prophet till the end of time, God also established rightly-guided Khilafat.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Khilafat Day Special
God states to those who do not show perfect obedience and follow their own inclinations, that they will be answerable for their non-compliance.

God states that this obedience is essential; "And if you obey him, you will be rightly guided". Since perfecting Shariah and making the Holy Prophet(saw) the last law-bearing Prophet till the end of time, God also established rightly-guided Khilafat.

Khalifa (Khalif) is not just a Title, give it to any one and Khalafat is implemented. Islamic Khalafat is associated with implementing the Shariah.

Any other Khalafat or Khalifa can be a representative of a specific group it is not a representative of Islam and Muslims. Example of Quadiyani Khalifa and Khalafat is not more than the Khalifa of Local Raslers (پہلوان), Mrassi (میراثی), She-Males (ہیجڑے)
as they ask their senior most Khalifa.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Any other Khalafat or Khalifa can be a representative of a specific group it is not a representative of Islam and Muslims. Example of Quadiyani Khalifa and Khalafat is not more than the Khalifa of Local Raslers (پہلوان), Mrassi (میراثی), She-Males (ہیجڑے) as they ask their senior most Khalifa.
Learn to hear and bear opponent's views. Open your eyes and ear to see and hear the truth. What a ill-mannered person you are... Have a big heart Maulana Atensari Sahib!

Oh Allah, forgive us our sins... Oh Allah keep us away from doing evil... Oh Allah, make our life a single effort for your sake and protect us from holding your displeasure.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Learn to hear and bear opponent's views. Open your eyes and ear to see and hear the truth. What a ill-mannered person you are... Have a big heart Maulana Atensari Sahib!

Oh Allah, forgive us our sins... Oh Allah keep us away from doing evil... Oh Allah, make our life a single effort for your sake and protect us from holding your displeasure.

May Allah give you the ability to compare Qadiyani Khalifa and Khalafat with Khalafat Rashida and Khulafa Rashdeen and give you the courage to accept the difference between False Khalafat and True Khalafat.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

May Allah give you the ability to compare Qadiyani Khalifa and Khalafat with Khalafat Rashida and Khulafa Rashdeen and give you the courage to accept the difference between False Khalafat and True Khalafat.

Why are you arguing with the Kuffar, who call themselves , Ahmadi , not Muslim..

They killed Jesus even second time ...What pitty Hazrat Eesa AS.

Jews and christan kill him 2000 years back , Ahmedi killed him again ...

There is only one thing for every prophet to prove himself , according to Quran.

They they should bring even one line like Quran...

Could Mirza do that...His literature is full of rubish and even with grammer mistakes...

And because he was Maseh too , he should prove the exact book of Bible , not changed , and he should be the hafiz of it...

So no use to talk to them...


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

pro british lawyer who didn't even know Urdu was suppose to bring khilafat in Pakistan. truly amazing

I believe you forget what was the plan of "Cabinet Mission"? what did Nahroo uttered?

Truly amazing to know a Non-Muslims comments about Quaid-a-Azam
@ 6:45



Re: Untold wording of Quaid e Azam about Khilafat by Dr.Israr Ahmed

Now this ''Khalafat Drama'' should end, Mullah has already put this country into too much danger, and they have proved their stupidness and shallowness. Pakistan has only one way forward and that is being a Jinnah's Pakistan; which Jinnah himself declared that Pakistan would never be a theocratic state. Old dogmas can only give pain and they are part of problem than solution.