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Minister (2k+ posts)
Dear Brother Biomat,
Since you are very sensitive about this "Qadiyani Problem", I give you, as a brother, following hints/points:
a) The finality of our Prophet(PBUH) is proven from Quran. The ultimate source of Guidance.
b) Ahmedis/Qadiyanis will only play with the arabic word "Khatim", but whatever and whichever "Taweel",
they will produce, will be self-defeated. Because the same word has been frequently used in Quran and
nowhere it suits to their creed.
c) They will only resort to Issa(as) , his death/return, which has nothing to do with the "alleged birth
of Mirza GA as "proclaimed Prophet". Two things are entirely different. NOW I gave you another
Point which, perhaps still now, no one has utilized or used:
d) Our Prophet(pbuh), The Last and the Final till the day of Judgement, was sent to/for "ALL MANKIND"
After sending a final Prophet(pbuh) for all mankind, how it is possible that "a prophet has been
sent to a particular place/city/province only. (Please bear in mind that Mriza GA influence is/was
only in Limited Zone). Believe me Ahmedis/Qadiyani will never have answer to this point.

After said all this, I am also of the view that:
--) No one's life should be straightened or taken just for the sake of this that he/she is Ahmedi/Qadiyani
They have the right to live and live according to their belief/creed.
---) We muslims, should bear in mind, that not even Prophets of Allah were able to bring all people towards
the Guidance and Straight Path, Who we are then?
---) This universe till the last day, is going to be full of everyone with his/her own creed, We cannot
change that reality. Live in Peace and Let the others Live in peace.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Ahmadiyyah in the Light of Islam

One thing is certain: You will not be able to understand the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, as long as you do not accept the death Isa(as). I provided evidence from Quran oh his death, but until now no one could post any counter-argument to refute.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!

What I understand is that qadiyaneeat is based mainly on acceptance of Hazrat Isa's death as, according to, you proven fromQuran?
You know we mulims have no problem with what ever you want to believe, our only objection is that people who believe your teachings and preachings should call themselves anything but Muslims. Call yourself Ahmadi, qadyani or anything that your heart desires maybe it could be Eesayee. What is wrong with that? Lets see how welcome you are by the christians!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think ahmadies keeps on forgetting that Death of ESA(AS) does not prove Mirza Ghulam and their Religion Truthful
Sir Syed, Ghamdi, Shaltut, Ghulam Pervaiz, Khalid Zaheer all believe that ESA(AS) died but still they are not Ahmadies and they still believe in FINALITY OF PROPHETHOOD

No where Prophet (PUBH) mentioned Mirza Ghulam nor QURAN mentions him whole ahmadi religion is based upon assumption that Mirza Ghulam IBN CHARGBIBI is ESA IBN MARYAM(AS)

Islam was finalized 1400 years ago according to QURAN
and Mirza Ghulam and his sons have been proven wrong and false like Mulimah Kazab, Rashid Khalifah, Bahaullah, Gohar Shahi, Elijah Muhammad, etc

So this is ahmadiyyah whole religion is based upon assumption they have no proof for their claims and Muslims from the past classical scholars and people now have refuted them big time, like many ex ahmadies speically have done great work exposing them like Shahid Kamal, A k Shaik, Farhan Qureshi, etc
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Dear Babadeena & Xia bro
Jaza-k-ALLAH for your postings, really this is the main problem & solution to it..
Thanks again for your words of wisdom.


Re: Ahmadiyyah in the Light of Islam

Lieber Sajjad, alles eine Frage der Interpretation. Jede Interpretation, die Irrational ist, wird von gesunden Menschenverstand nicht akzeptiert. So einfach ist das.

Verboten ist euch das von selbst Verendete sowie Blut und Schweinefleisch und das, worber ein anderer Name angerufen ward als Allahs; das Erdrosselte; das zu Tode Geschlagene; das zu Tode Gestrzte oder Gestoene und das, was reiende Tiere angefressen haben, auer dem, was ihr geschlachtet habt; und das, was auf einem Altar (als Gtzenopfer) geschlachtet worden ist; auch dass ihr euer Geschick durch Lospfeile zu erkunden sucht. Das ist Ungehorsam. Heute sind die Unglubigen an eurem Glauben verzweifelt, also frchtet nicht sie, sondern frchtet Mich. Heute habe Ich eure Glaubenslehre fr euch vollendet und Meine Gnade an euch erfllt und euch den Islam zum Bekenntnis erwhlt. Wer aber durch Hunger getrieben wird, ohne sndhafte Absicht - dann ist Allah allverzeihend, barmherzig.
(Surah Al-Mā'idah 5:3)
wenn Allah sagt dass Er die Glaubenslehre fr uns vollendet und den Islam fr uns ausgewhlt hat,warum sollte Er dann einen neuen Prophet senden?

PS:Ein Prophet stirbt nicht in der Toilette.Bitte denkt darber nach bevor es zu Spt ist.

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Ahmadiyyah in the Light of Islam

wenn Allah sagt dass Er die Glaubenslehre fr uns vollendet und den Islam fr uns ausgewhlt hat,warum sollte Er dann einen neuen Prophet senden?


Moreover Rasool Allah SW promise that Allah will raise men who will renovate Islam in each century. So it further prove that Allah have decided that no new prophet(s)


Re: Ahmadiyyah in the Light of Islam

Moreover Rasool Allah SW promise that Allah will raise men who will renovate Islam in each century. So it further prove that Allah have decided that no new prophet(s)
their are so many proves for those who believe but these disbelievers will not accept the truth as Allah says in the Quran:

"As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them Whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe. Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur)."
(Holy Quran Chapter 2 Verses 6 and 7)

May Allah guide them to the right path.
Re: Ahmadiyyah in the Light of Islam

Assalam o alaikum

I have just flown over the last posts and seen that many people have raised questions about the ahmadiyya beliefs and many are still insisting that it is proved from Quran that no Prophet of any type can come. Before answering these questions I would like to ask following questions from you:

1) you recite darood sharif in which you ask from Allah that favours and fazals from Allah as He did on Hazrat Ibrahim AS and his Aal do you know which type of Fazal and Barakat was given to Ibrahim AS and his generation?
2) in surat Fatiha when you say " hamain unn logon ke raastay par challa jin par tu nay inaam kiya"? can you tell me definition of Inaam?
3) can anybody tell me meaning of this hadees when Hazrat Muhammad SAW said on the death of his son Ibrahim "agar Ibrahim zinda rehta to woh sacha nabi hota"?
4) can someone tell me the meaning of this hadees which is related to Hazrat Aysha RA "tum yeh to kaho ke Muhammad SAW aakhri nabi hain magar yeh na kaho ke unke baad koi nabi nahi aaega"?
5)According to your beliefs the Jeses AS will come in the 14th century now we are in 15th century where is Jeses AS?
6) if you say Muslim ummah which ummah do you mean? because every sect in Islam considers other to be non Muslim so which ummah do you really mean?


Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Ahmadiyyah in the Light of Islam

Assalam o alaikum

I have just flown over the last posts and seen that many people have raised questions about the ahmadiyya beliefs and many are still insisting that it is proved from Quran that no Prophet of any type can come. Before answering these questions I would like to ask following questions from you:

1) you recite darood sharif in which you ask from Allah that favours and fazals from Allah as He did on Hazrat Ibrahim AS and his Aal do you know which type of Fazal and Barakat was given to Ibrahim AS and his generation?
2) in surat Fatiha when you say " hamain unn logon ke raastay par challa jin par tu nay inaam kiya"? can you tell me definition of Inaam?
3) can anybody tell me meaning of this hadees when Hazrat Muhammad SAW said on the death of his son Ibrahim "agar Ibrahim zinda rehta to woh sacha nabi hota"?
4) can someone tell me the meaning of this hadees which is related to Hazrat Aysha RA "tum yeh to kaho ke Muhammad SAW aakhri nabi hain magar yeh na kaho ke unke baad koi nabi nahi aaega"?
5)According to your beliefs the Jeses AS will come in the 14th century now we are in 15th century where is Jeses AS?
6) if you say Muslim ummah which ummah do you mean? because every sect in Islam considers other to be non Muslim so which ummah do you really mean?


Why not you answer my questions that i asked by posting snapshots of your books? Answer is pending on your side I am waiting
Now about your Questions
If you just thing with a little care very little care. you might not be asking these questions any way.
one answer to two of the questions is
1,2) you talk about "Asking Fazal,Barakat,Inam" and by this you want to say that prophethood is included in it. well please then why you stop at prophethood. Allah make Muhammad SW Khatam-un-Nabayeen and as per your translation it means Best Among the prophets(despite the fact that Lugat books said something else even your MGA said something else). so what about that? Why you did not include this (May Allah forgive)
3) The book from which you pick this hadith have another narration before that Hadith why you did not read that? and The same explanation is in Bukhari Why you not read that ?
4) you present words of Aisha RA. well first the book that contains this narrations explain it READ. second whose words are more improtant? words of Rasool Allah SW right? even Your MGA said that any hadith that comes in Bukhari or Muslim is superior than any other books and if a hadith contradict Hadith of Muslim and Bukhari should not be used. look what you are doing.?
Rasool Allah in Muslim said "La nabi a bada" and you present a Hadith that negate it??? THINK
5) WHAT?
6) what is the purpose of this Quesiton. answer this question yourself and you will get the answer.

Any way
Do not ignore my post (I think) #20 that have snapshots from your books.
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President (40k+ posts)

Prophet (PBUH) had emerged as prophet and Islam was completed in 7 Century but Ghulam Qadyani emerged in 20th Century.

My Questions

1) How can Mr Ghulam Ahmad got to know that the Meaning of "Khatam" (mentioned in Quran about the Prophet (PBUH) was not LAST?

2) Were there no other Aalim since 7th Century till 20th Century who could interpret the verses of Quran and Ahadees as Ghulam Ahmad did? What was special about Mr G Ahmad.? Had he more understanding of Quran and Ahadees than Sahaba (RA) or other great scholars of the time or what?

3) Why the land of subcontinent was/ is so fertile for the creation of such "Fake Prophet hood"? ( i.e. Pervaizi Group, Lahori Group, Yousaf Kazzab)? Why don't we see such fake Prophets in other part of the world?

4) It is the irony of the time that Mr G Ahmad (and other Gustakh-e-Rasool e.g. Raaj Paal) was emerged in the time of British colonist (they are emerging now as well) but western powers give them protection. Why?

Then according to Qadyaanis, other Muslims till Ghulam Ahmad were not Proper Muslims because there believes were wrong, where were "Corrected" by him. Am I right?


MPA (400+ posts)
Agreed a follower of Muhammad SW should not use abusive language.
what about a person who claim to be prophet and call other "Kharab Aurtoon Ke ulad" , "Waldul Haram" etc... bcz they think him wrong???

Salam Abdul allah Bhai,

The following 2clips explains in detail what ""Kharab Aurtoon Ke ulad"your version of translation of the Arabic word "Zurrayatul baghaya" from [Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.547] means. Please watch the clip and tell me then what you couldn't understand.

1st clip is a reply to your allegation about "Kharab Aurtoon Ke Aulad" (translation provided by you)

2nd clip is a reply to why Hazrat Mirza Sahib cursed others with "1000 time Laanti". to get quickly to the answer provided in this clip, please check it out from 11:30 onward.

I do not wish to get into baseless allegations made by you and by many others, because your source is questionable and it becomes a case of "he said-she said" finger pointing.
When you want to know what a person thinks, or a sect thinks, go to an unbiased observer or ask the person or read what that person wrote. I would advise you to read what the Ahmadis say instead of reading what their enemies say about them because you are judging them.

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MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Ahmadiyyah in the Light of Islam

... Heute habe Ich eure Glaubenslehre fr euch vollendet und Meine Gnade an euch erfllt und euch den Islam zum Bekenntnis erwhlt. (Surah Al-Mā'idah 5:3)
wenn Allah sagt dass Er die Glaubenslehre fr uns vollendet und den Islam fr uns ausgewhlt hat,warum sollte Er dann einen neuen Prophet senden?

Verheien hat Allah denen unter euch, die glauben und gute Werke tun, da Er sie gewilich zu Nachfolgern auf Erden machen wird, wie Er jene, die vor ihnen waren, zu Nachfolgern machte; und da Er gewisslich fr sie ihre Religion befestigen wird, die Er fr sie auserwhlt hat; und dass Er gewilich ihren (Stand), nach ihrer Furcht, in Frieden und Sicherheit verwandeln wird: Sie werden Mich verehren, (und) sie werden Mir nichts zur Seite stellen. Wer aber hernach undankbar ist, das werden die Emprer sein."(24:56)

"Er sprach: „Gehet aus von hier allzumal, dieweil einer von euch des anderen Feind ist! Und wenn von Mir Fhrung zu euch kommt, dann wird, wer Meiner Fhrung folgt, nicht zugrunde gehen, noch wird er elend. Wer sich jedoch abkehrt von Meiner Ermahnung, dem wird ein Leben in Drangsal sein, und am Tage der Auferstehung werden Wir ihn blind auferwecken.“(20:124-125)


Laut Quran hat Allah die Menschen immer durch andere Menschen gefhrt und diese Menschen sind auch im Rang erhoben, ansonsten wrde es ja (Allah bewahre) bedeuten, dass es im Quran Verse gibt, die heute keine Gltigkeit mehr finden, aber ist der Quran denn nicht fr die Ewigkeit gedacht? Wenn ja, dann kann es doch gar nicht sein, dass Verse MIT DER ZEIT ihre Bedeutung verlieren, denn dies wrde bedeuten (Allah bewahre), dass der Quran mit der Zeit an Bedeutung verliert und wre somit nicht fr die Ewigkeit gemacht.

Wenn manche meinen wollen, dass der Quran vollkommen ist (woran ich nicht eine Sekunde zweifeln werde) und die Funktion der Fhrung bernommen hat, dann machen doch die Kalifen, die nach dem Heiligen Propheten Muhammad(saw) gar keinen Sinn, da der Quran da doch bereits vollkommen war oder wollen die nicht Ahmadi Muslime nun behaupten, er sei da noch (Allah bewahre) unvollkommen gewesen? Wollen die nicht Ahmadi Muslime nun behaupten, dass die damaligen Sahabas sich alle geirrt haben als sie Hazrat Abu Bakr zum Kalifen whlten? Waren bei dieser Wahl nicht die Finger Allahs im Spiel, sondern die der Irregegangen? Wollen die nicht Ahmadi Muslime im Nachhinein all diese Sahaba fr Kafir erklren?

Zustzlich kommt die logische Tatsache hinzu, dass fr eine Leitung bzw. Fhrung immer „Wahy“ oder „Ilham“ von nten sind und – diese Behauptung knnen die Meisten besttigen – nicht jeder auf direktem Wege eine „Wahy“ oder ein „Ilham“ gesandt bekommt. Dies msste dann bedeuten, dass Allah (Allah bewahre) nicht zu jeden Menschen spricht, sondern nur zu den Wenigsten. Bedeutet dies also, dass die Eigenschaft Allahs
„Al-Muta-kallim” (Der Sprechende) zu sein nicht immer gilt? Hat Allah etwa aufgehrt zu ALLEN Menschen zu sprechen? Ist Allah so unfair, dass er nur ein paar in den Genuss kommen lsst von Ihm gefhrt zu werden? Dies macht einfach keinen Sinn.

Ein weiterer Beweis dafr, dass Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) ein Prophet und somit der Fhrer der Muslime sein muss, ist die Tatsache, dass Allah so etwas NIE htte durchgehen lassen. Dies wird durch folgenden Vers bewiesen:

„Und htte er (Muhammad) irgendwelche Aussprche in ersonnen, Wir htten ihn gewiss bei der Rechten gefasst, und ihm dann die Herzader durchschnitten. Und keiner von euch htte (Uns) von ihm abhalten knnen.“ (69:45-48)

Jeder mit Verstand begabte Mensch, der noch immer ber seine vollen Fassungsmglichkeiten besitzt, sollte hier merken, dass dies nicht nur fr den Heiligen Propheten Muhammad (saw) gilt, sondern fr alle die, die den Anspruch erheben ein Prophet zu sein. Wre der Prophet Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) (Allah bewahre) ein Schwindler gewesen, htte Allah seinen fortdauernden Erfolg nicht verhindert? oder wollen die nicht Ahmadi Muslime nun behaupten, dass Allahs Allmacht (Allah bewahre) nicht ausreicht um einen solchen Schwindler noch zu Lebzeiten (siehe den Vers oben) zu bestrafen und seine Erfolge zu vereiteln? Die Geschichte zeigt, dass alle sogenannte „falsche“ Propheten noch zu ihren Lebzeiten bestraft und zerstrt wurden. Wenn Allah all die falschen Propheten bestraft hat und deren Erfolg vereitelt hat, warum hat Allah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Erfolg gewhrt, wenn dieser doch auch ein Schwindler war?

Es kamen Fhrer, die von den Muslimen akzeptiert wurden: Er wurde akzeptiert, da es eine Prophezeiung gibt, die besagt, dass in JEDEN Jahrhundert ein Reformer erscheinen wird. Wenn man nun daran glauben will und auch glaubt, wer ist der Reformer des 14. Jahrhunderts (islamische Zeitrechnung), wenn nicht Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as)?

Der Quran sieht von Anfang an eine Lsung des Falls vor, sonst wrde die gesamte Vorgehensweise Allahs keinen Sinn ergeben. Darin liegt die Schnheit des Schpfers.

Einen Schnen Tag noch.

PS.: Ich bin aus Ffm. Du auch? Wenn ja, dann knnen wir uns auch gern treffen. Ansonsten kann ich dir noch meine MSN-ID anbieten.
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MPA (400+ posts)
I think ahmadies keeps on forgetting that Death of ESA(AS) does not prove Mirza Ghulam and their Religion Truthful
Sir Syed, Ghamdi, Shaltut, Ghulam Pervaiz, Khalid Zaheer all believe that ESA(AS) died but still they are not Ahmadies and they still believe in FINALITY OF PROPHETHOOD

Honestly, if you post such posting don't you feel bit ridiculous? Some of you say: NO, HE IS STILL ALIVE AND WILL COME AGAIN TO LEAD THE UMMAH of Muhammad(saw). THE OTHER HALF OF YOU SAY: NO, HE IS DEAD. Whom should we believe now? ;-) Why are you not united in your own sorrows???
"sumun bukmum umyun fahum la yurjaoun" nothing else to add!

... but still they are not Ahmadies and they still believe in FINALITY OF PROPHETHOOD[/SIZE].

About such people Quran says:

[2:17] These are they who have taken error in exchange for guidance; but their traffic has brought them no gain, nor are they rightly guided.

Islam was finalized 1400 years ago according to QURAN

If you believe that the Islam was finalized 1400 years ago due to the holy Quran, and there is NO NEED for someone else to come, so then please tell me what sense it does make to set a Caliphat after the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw),although Islam as such was already perfect and finalized??? Please think about it twice and do proper research b4 you spread so much ignorance here!
Islam is a very simple and logic-based Religion.

So this is ahmadiyyah whole religion is based upon assumption they have no proof for their claims and Muslims from the past classical scholars and people now have refuted them big time, like many ex ahmadies speically have done great work exposing them like Shahid Kamal, A k Shaik, Farhan Qureshi, etc
How childish are you acually? to support your senseless argumentation you count three people who should provide evidence of falsehood of Ahmadiyya Jamaat? Lol, why do you want to be ridiculed here by myself and others? A.K. Shaikh Sahib is the best example of how Ahmadiyya blooms. His baseless allegations against the Jamaat brings more and more people to get to know the Ahmadiyyat. I wish Shaikh Sahib a long and healthy life. :-) I must apologize that I am not able to count all of the Names of those who bear witness the truth of Islam-Ahmadiyya. Their numbers are in thousands who annually enter TRUE ISLAM.
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Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
Salam Abdul allah Bhai,

The following 2clips explains in detail what ""Kharab Aurtoon Ke ulad"your version of translation of the Arabic word "Zurrayatul baghaya" from [Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.547] means. Please watch the clip and tell me then what you couldn't understand.

1st clip is a reply to your allegation about "Kharab Aurtoon Ke Aulad" (translation provided by you)

2nd clip is a reply to why Hazrat Mirza Sahib cursed others with "1000 time Laanti". to get quickly to the answer provided in this clip, please check it out from 11:30 onward.

I do not wish to get into baseless allegations made by you and by many others, because your source is questionable and it becomes a case of "he said-she said" finger pointing.
When you want to know what a person thinks, or a sect thinks, go to an unbiased observer or ask the person or read what that person wrote. I would advise you to read what the Ahmadis say instead of reading what their enemies say about them because you are judging them.


Oh Come on. Not again.
Did I show you Aina Kamalat Islam reference? NO
Did i Translate the word? NO
I show you reference from Nur-ul-Haq page 163(downloaded from your website) and Zurayatul Bagaya is translated as "Khrab urtoon ke Ulaad" by himself in that book. So if he translate this word as this then saying that This word have other meaning is try to hide the truth.

2nd clip) well 1000 times lanat word I show you in reply to your post in which you FEEL one time lanat word as BAD.
and cursing(sending lanat) can be said as ok there was NEED for it. BUT
dont you feel it ridiculous that a person write 1000 time lanta as "lanat1,lanat2,lanat3" so on..... and fill 4 pages with it
And I know the reason of MGA harsh stand towards Christians from his own book that it was to CALM down WAHSHI Musalman to keep peace of british Raaj. Dont agree? reference can be provided.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Again no reply to brother abdullah post#20... Again going into topics after topics, not addressing the main questions raised by thread starter abdullah.
Bro Knowledge Seeker, how are you. Didnot i told u this behaviour. What u say.. Jaza-k-ALLAH

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
Ehraaz I have asked earlier that what is the purpose of using language other than english.

Any way.
short answer to your long post
1) khilafat is not Nabowaat.
2) Rasool Allah SW clearly mention that only Khilafa (not any nabi)will come after him
3) Rasool Allah SW clearly mention that only 46th part of Nobawat is left for the Umat and that is Good dreams. it clearly means that Wahi nabowat is ended.
4) you present an Ayath and said that Allah said Allah destroy any one who claim to be receiving Wahi. and you use so called expansion of your jamat as proof Well that is not the case. well you must be aware of paul who started Chrisitanity that is today in the world he claim to be one who get revelations and you know that Christianity spread fastly in the world . and so far it is on top in terms of number of followers.
5) you said who is the mujadid of 14th century well no where it is written that we have to recognize them. you said MGA was mujadid of 14th century. well had he only claim only being mujadid then today we might not be discussing here. but he claim to be prophet. but Rasool Allah said that Mujadid will renovate Islam and that proves that there is no need of sending new prophets to reform Islam

I hope i touch every point in your post.
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Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
If you believe that the Islam was finalized 1400 years ago due to the holy Quran, and there is NO NEED for someone else to come, so then please tell me what sense it does make to set a Caliphat after the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw),although Islam as such was already perfect and finalized??? Please think about it twice and do proper research b4 you spread so much ignorance here!
Islam is a very simple and logic-based Religion.

I repeat Chilafat is not Nobowat and there is HUGE difference between them.
Rasool Allah never said that Allah will keep sending Nabi to reform Islam.
A work that is promised to be done by Mujadids you are asking Nabi for it.


Councller (250+ posts)


[SIZE=-1]Perhaps there is no faster way to leave Islam than by calling other Muslims "Kafir" without discrimination[/SIZE].

Now the above example is just one person. But imagin that the person shares the exact same MENTALITY as the Taliban, who[FONT=&quot] then use the above mentality as justification to kill Ahmadi Muslim – only because [/FONT]they replied the call of one who calling to FAITH.

[SIZE=5.2]رَّبَّنَآ إِنَّنَا سَمِعۡنَا مُنَادِيً۬ا يُنَادِى لِلۡإِيمَـٰنِ أَنۡ ءَامِنُواْ بِرَبِّكُمۡ فَـَٔامَنَّا*ۚ رَبَّنَا فَٱغۡفِرۡ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَڪَفِّرۡ عَنَّا سَيِّـَٔاتِنَا وَتَوَفَّنَا مَعَ ٱلۡأَبۡرَارِ[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2.2][SIZE=2.2]"Our Lord! we have heard the call of one calling (us) to faith, `Believe ye in the Lord', and we have believed. Our Lord! forgive us our sins blot out from us our iniquities, and take to Thyself our souls in the company of the righteous. (3:193)[/SIZE][/SIZE]

You may respond with lot of more abuses but just think for one moment would his(saw) soul be happy with your any other person who calls himself Muslim, using such words ?
[SIZE=-1]Waste no time debating what a good Muslim should be. Be one!!![/SIZE]
[FONT=&quot]Love for All, Hatred for None.[/FONT][/QUOTE]


Councller (250+ posts)
I repeat Chilafat is not Nobowat and there is HUGE difference between them.
Rasool Allah never said that Allah will keep sending Nabi to reform Islam.
A work that is promised to be done by Mujadids you are asking Nabi for it.

You have no idea what the holy Prophet (PBUH) said as you are deranged by the poison fed to you by the terrorist (so-called ummah representing) moulvis.

Let me ask you something...Who made you god on earth?. How dare you play god here on earth with your moulvis..Your terrorist killing machines and your so called ummah which is hell bent on killing eachother and their leaders are proof enough that you are under divine punishment ...Open your eyes!

Read the Holy Quran......doors have not been shut on Nabuwat...and, Khilafat is a reward for the righteous...Jammat Ahmdiyya has been blessed with Khalafat for over a 100 years and Allah the Exalted's jammat grows and continues to prosper....Allah the Exalted does not bless false jammats in this manner..

In this Chapter Allah the Exalted clearly lays out that if you obey Allah the Exalted and HIS Messenger the (Holy Prophet of Islam SAW) and under the Holy Prophets of Islam (SAW) guidance only will be bestowed upon them his blessings of Prophets, the Truthful, the Martyrs, and the Righteous
The Holy Quran : Chapter 4: Al-Nisa'

[4:70] ?????? ??????? ??????? ????????????? ????????????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????? ???????????????*? ???????? ??????????? ???????????

[4:70] And whoso obeys Allah and this Messenger of His shall be among those on whom Allah has bestowed His blessings, namely, the Prophets, the Truthful, the Martyrs, and the Righteous. And excellent companions are these.
[4:70] ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??

This is Khilafat.

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